Description Of The Knowledge Level Of Midwife And Nurses About The Provision Of Vitamin K To New Birth Babies In The Puskesmas Of Mesuji Timur District In 2022


  • Aprellia Irianti Irianti MEdical Faculty of Malahayati
  • Muhammad Yunus
  • Arti Febriyani Hutasuhut
  • Astri Pinilih



vitamin K, knowledge, vitamin K deficiency, midwives and nurses


Background: Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that has an important role in activating substances that play a role in blood clotting. Neonates tend to have relatively lower levels of vitamin K and vitamin K reserves in the liver compared to neonates. This causes newborns to tend to have vitamin K deficiency. Objective: To describe the level of knowledge of midwives and nurses about giving vitamin K to newborns at the Puskesmas Mesuji Timur District in 2022. The type of research used is descriptive with a cross sectional design. The sample in this study were midwives and nurses at the Mesuji Timur District Health Center with a total of 65 people. Results: In this study, the frequency of sufficient knowledge level of respondents was 47 people with a percentage of 72.3%. The conclusion of this study is that midwives at the Puskesmas Mesuji Timur District have good knowledge of 16%, 38% enough and less 8%. Nurses at the Puskesmas Mesuji Timur District have good knowledge of 26,7%, enough 60% and less 13,3%.


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How to Cite

Irianti, A. I., Muhammad Yunus, Arti Febriyani Hutasuhut, & Astri Pinilih. (2023). Description Of The Knowledge Level Of Midwife And Nurses About The Provision Of Vitamin K To New Birth Babies In The Puskesmas Of Mesuji Timur District In 2022. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 12(4), 605-609.




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