Effects of Giving Spirulina Extract (Arthrospira) in Obesity theraphy
iNOS, obesity, phycocyanin, spirulina extract.Abstract
Obesity is a disease that occurs due to excessive accumulation of fat tissue, so that it can impact with health. The prevalence of obesity in Indonesia is based on RISKESDAS data in 2018, obesity in adults> 18 years has increased in 3 times. Obesity can lead to several diseases such as coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke and diabetes melitus. There are alternative therapies for obesity that are from spirulina algae herbal products. The content of phycocianin and beta carotene in spirulina acts as a powerful antioxidant. Phycocianin has the ability to bind to free radicals, including alkoxyl, hydroxyl, and peroxyl radicals. This can reduce nitrite production, suppress the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and inhibit lipid peroxidation thereby reducing VLDL, LDL levels and increasing HDL levels which can reduce obesity.
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