Holistic Management Of Gout Arthritis Adult With Minimally Knowledge Through Family Medicine In Pasar Ambon Public Health Center


  • Brenda Widya Kencana Universitas Lampung
  • Diana Mayasari




gouty arthritis, hyperuricemia, family medicine


Degenerative disease caused by a process of decreasing body function that occurs in old age. For example is gout arthritis. Gout arthritis is a condition where there is an increase in serum uric acid levels above normal. Risk factors that influence high uric acid levels are age, genetics, excessive purine intake, obesity. This chronics disease is important to be managed comprehensively, so patients must know about their disease and have awareness and can make lifestyle modifications so that treatment goals can be achieved and management needs to be carried out through a family approach. This study is to identify internal, external risk factors and clinical problems found in patients, apply a holistic and comprehensive family doctor approach according to the problems found in patients, and carry out evidence-based medicine management these are family-approach, patient-centered and community oriented. The primary data of this case report were obtained through history taking, physical examination and home visits. Secondary data were obtained from the patient's medical record. A 47-year-old female patient came with complaints of swelling in the both knees. The patient has been diagnosed with gout since 2 year ago. Patients never control their disease at the puskesmas and only seek treatment if they have disturbing complaints. Currently the patient doesn’t know if the disease requires continuous treatment.Enforcement of diagnosis and management of these patients has been done holistically, patient centered, family approach and community oriented based on several theories and the latest research.


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How to Cite

Brenda Widya Kencana, & Diana Mayasari. (2023). Holistic Management Of Gout Arthritis Adult With Minimally Knowledge Through Family Medicine In Pasar Ambon Public Health Center. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 13(3), 407-415. https://doi.org/10.53089/medula.v13i3.542




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