Case Report: G1P0A0 26 Weeks Pregnant with Intracerebral Haemorrhage and Moderate Head Injury e.c Post Traumatic Traffic Accident Singular Embryo Life Presentation of Head
Moderate Head Injury, Pregnant, Intracerebral HaemorrhageAbstract
Traffic accidents are the 8th cause of death in Indonesia. A head injury is a mechanical injury of head that results in injuries to the scalp, fractures of the skull bones, tears in the lining covering the brain and damage to brain tissue which causes neurological disorders. Intracerebral hemorrhage is a clinical manifestation of head injury. Pregnant women who experience intracerebral hemorrhage are at risk for abruptio placentae and preterm birth. This study is a case report. Data was obtained from a 27-year-old woman who complained of headaches after falling from a motorbike, fainted, spurted vomiting, seizures. Physical examination found moderate pain, compos mentis awareness, GCS 12 (E3M4V5), blood pressure 110/70 mm Hg, pulse 84 times/minute regular, breathing 20 times/minute, body temperature 36.7oC. A vulnus laceratum was found in the left frontalis region measuring 0.2 cm x 7 cm. Neurologic examination showed no abnormalities. Obstetric examination found TFU 2 fingers above center, DJJ 157x/minute, HIS contractions (-). Abdominal palpation, Leopold 1 impression of the buttocks, Leopold 2 impression of the back on the left and extremities on the right, Leopold 3 impression of the head, Leopold 4 converge. Internal examination, thick portio, supple and bud, cervical effacement 0%, cervical dilatation (-). The patient was diagnosed as G1P0A0 26 weeks pregnant and not yet in labor with ICH and CKS e.c Post Trauma KLL JTH Intrauterine Preskep. Furthermore, the patient was planned for conservative therapy in the form of observation of his, DJJ and maternal vital signs, IVFD RL gtt XX/minute, dexamethasone 12 mg/day, nifedipine 4x10 mg PO, ceftriaxone 1 gram/12 hours.
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