Holistic Management Of A 40 Year-Old Male Patient With Intermittent Bronchial Asthma Through A Family Doctor Approach
Bronchial Asthma, Family Doctor, holistic managementAbstract
Asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that causes bronchial hyperreactivity as a result of various stimuli, which shows recurrent episodic symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing and a feeling of heaviness in the chest, especially at night and early morning and is generally reversible. Family doctor services play an important role as an approach to the management of patients because they not only help healing but also promote health and prevent disease. The family doctor's approach includes patient centered, strategy with a family approach, and community oriented. This plays an important role in reducing the incidence and mortality of cases of bronchial asthma, as well as preventing its recurrence. The study conducted is a case report. Primary data were obtained through anamnesis, physical examination and home visits. Secondary data was obtained from patient medical records at the Puskesmas. Mr. S, 40 years old, has a main complaint of shortness of breath accompanied by coughing up phlegm at night. The patient was diagnosed with intermittent bronchial asthma and has been on medication since childhood. The patient's internal risk factor is having a lack of knowledge about the disease, the patient's work environment and there is exposure to road dust. External risk factors that affect patients are the condition of the house which has ventilation but the windows are rarely opened. Intervention was carried out in patients in the form of counseling about asthma. The diagnosis of bronchial asthma in this patient was in accordance with GINA. The management given is in accordance with the guidelines, there is a change in knowledge of the patient and the patient's family after the intervention is carried out by providing counseling based on evidence based medicine which is patient centered, family approach.
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