Management Of Metabolic Syndrom and Gout Artritis 63 Years Old Man At Puskesmas Kedaton with Family Medicine Approach


  • Siti Raqiya Rasyid University of Lampung
  • Fitria Saftarina



family medicine, gout arthritis, holistic management, metabolic syndrome, family medicine, gout arthritis, holistic management, metabolic syndrome


Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a complex metabolic disorder caused by increased obesity. The main components of BC are obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Another metabolic disease is gout arthritis. This study aims to identify risk factors and clinical problems in the patient. They are applying the principles of family doctor services according to patient problems and carrying out holistic and comprehensive management, including a patient-centered and family approach based on Evidence-Based Medicine. Mr. L's 63-year-old patient was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome and Gout Arthritis. Patients have aspects of internal risk in the form of a lack of knowledge of the patient the disease suffered and the proper lifestyle by the disease and curative treatment patterns; external risk aspects in patients is a lack of knowledge and family support in treatment. Furthermore, holistic management of patients and families is carried out. The diagnosis and management of these patients have been made holistically, patient-centered, family approach, following national guidelines, and based on evidence-based medicine. The knowledge and behavior in patient and family changes occur after patient-centered and family-approach interventions.

Author Biography

Fitria Saftarina




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How to Cite

Siti Raqiya Rasyid, & Saftarina, F. (2023). Management Of Metabolic Syndrom and Gout Artritis 63 Years Old Man At Puskesmas Kedaton with Family Medicine Approach. Medical Profession Journal of Lampung, 13(4), 639-648.




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